First Baptist Church of Shinnston

"Engaging in Ministry Together"

Church News

ALL SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES ARE RECORDED and posted on this website. Go to the main page. Click on the Sunday morning worship tab on the left. Choose the date and click on the service.  

Sunday morning worship is also Live on the church Facebook page at 10:45a.m. Join us and Invite a Friend.  

If you would like a copy of the weekly bulletin or prayer/praise list, please contact the church or Pastor Kevin. We can email a copy or send it to you in the mail.  

Tithes and offerings can be dropped off at the church or they can be mailed. You can also do direct/online bill pay through your local bank. A check is sent automatically from the bank to the church on a schedule that you choose.  

Donations to the deacon fund can be mailed to the church. This offering is used to assist families within the church and throughout the community. Checks can be written to First Baptist Church. Please designate deacon fund on the memo line. 


Wednesday, January 8, 6:00pmAll Boards Meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Each board will elect 2025 officers.

Wednesday, January 8, 6:30pmAll Boards Meeting in the Fellowship Hall.

Saturday, January 11, 11:00amMemorial Service for Rev. Ronald James at Charleston Baptist Temple on 209 Morris Street in Charleston, WV. Visitation will begin at 10:00am. Reception will follow the service. Anyone who would like to ride in the church van with Pastor Kevin and Bethany, meet in the church parking lot at 7:30am.

Saturday, January 18, 9:00amMen’s Prayer Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. Be in the church kitchen at 8:00am if you would like to help prepare the meal.

Sunday, January 19, 12:00pmSoup Fellowship Luncheon. Bring a crock pot of soup, a salad, or a dessert. Church will provide crackers and drinks.

Monday, January 20, 9:00amYouth (grades 6-12) meet at the Lighthouse for trip to Wisp Ski Resort in McHenry, MD. 12:00-2:00pm Tubing Session. We will go to Brenda’s Pizzeria and return to church at 5:30pm for your parent pick-up. Bring money for snack bar & gift shop at Wisp. You must sign up with Pastor Kevin by January 5.

Lord’s Pantry Needs: Monetary donations and plastic bags

Check us out on Facebook: First Baptist Church of Shinnston